Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hurtling and Hurting

Let's get something straight: I love being in India. What I hate is getting there. As my traveling partner Jeff puts it, we're treated like cattle. That might be putting it a little bit harshly as I don't believe there is a slaughter house at the end of the trip. Still, for the most part you are poked and prodded and led down chutes in tight places and the whole ordeal is never really comfortable. The 15+ hour flight to Dubai, even if it is on Emirates, is still no place for any shuteye if you are 6'4" and 205 pounds.

Pre-flight pic. No post flight pic as there are decency laws to consider.

Oh, well. It's all part of the process. The good news is that the person seated next to me was the perfect airline companion. A self-proclaimed surf bum, the 27 year old girl from Denmark was pleasant company and very petite. Those two attributes are always preferable to a grumpy 250 pound ex-linebacker or the like. She's on her way to South Africa to chase waves and a boyfriend. We visited about politics, faith, and how one would ever learn to surf in Denmark. I thought it providential that I would end up next to a Dane as I had just started reading Macbeth while waiting at the terminal. While not a timely piece of literature that takes place in Denmark, my traveling companion did inform me that Denmark still has a monarchy. No word of a ghostly murdered king showing up and asking his troubled son for vengeance, however.

That's right: 15 hours and 29 minutes.

Emirates is a great airline and because we had an eight hour layover, they've provided us with a hotel and meal vouture. Unfortunately, with the check out of security, bus ride to the hotel, bus ride back to the airport, and time for another security check, it really equates to about four hours in the hotel. I don't think I'll take advantage of the bed because I have a feeling that if I do hit the sheets, I won't wake up for the bus ride back. Still, it beats hanging around in the airport and I just had the most extraordinary lentil soup at the hotel restaurant so there is that.

Two more short flights and a bus ride and I will be with some old friends in India and I can't wait. There's a little disruption at home with the store, but it's a good thing. My prayers and thanks are with my wife and staff that are handling it all in stride.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! I've got my keychain in my pocket and am praying for you guys (and your wife back home!).
