Friday, February 13, 2015

I Am Second Follow Up

One of the impressive things that e3 Partners does is the way it partners with local native churches and pastors to provide follow up with people who have accepted Christ as their savior while the American team is there for their mission. In many areas, including our trips to India, this is done using the I Am Second method of bible study to create small groups that will eventually, with God's grace, become house churches.

The I Am Second method is brilliant in it's simplicity. As a study method it offers a lot of advantages, including:

  1. Nearly anyone can lead a group, whether they're a new believer or quite seasoned.
  2. The format is conversational in nature, building bonds between the participants.
  3. Since it relies only on the scripture passage at hand, you don't need a vast amount of scriptural knowledge to participate.
  4. Accountability is built into the study, as is sharing with others outside the group.

The basic outline of an I Am Second study is very simple and is as follows:

  1. Read the scripture.
  2. Ask the following two questions: What do you like about this scripture? What do you find confusing about this scripture?
  3. Read the scripture a second time.
  4. Ask the following two questions: What does this scripture tell us about people? What does this scripture tell us about God?
  5. Read the scripture a third time.
  6. Ask the following two questions: What will you apply from this scripture in your life? Who will you tell about this and when?

This is the basic outline of the follow up sessions that the Indian pastors and volunteers will do with the new believers that started groups during our trip. If you will take note of the questions in step six, those become the first two questions for the following weeks study. This makes for great accountability and also lends iteself to the group spreading as the participants share the stories with others.

For more information about I Am Second studies, free downloads and information, and whole slew of resources, visit


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