Monday, June 11, 2012

Update and a video

It has been far too long since I’ve updated this page.  It’s funny, sad, and sinful how time slips by.  Most likely I should phrase that “how I let time slip by” as it is mostly my poor skills at scheduling and organization that have allowed it to do so.

I’ve been meaning to post this video up for some time.  George Cheek, one of our team members and the Director of Maranatha Bible Camp put this together.  It shows some of the work we did in India and has interviews with members of the Berean Fellowship who went on the trip.  It concludes with yours truly, and despite the fact you’ll have to see homely me in a goofy hat, my statements are extremely heartfelt.

  So now you’ve seen the recruitment video.  Dates have been tentatively set for the end of January 2013 for another trip to the same region.  I would encourage you to prayerfully consider joining us on this trip.  If you’ve read this blog from the beginning then you know what an incredible experience it is.  Details of the trip aren’t posted on the e3 Partners Ministry website yet, but when they are I will post the link here.

Special thanks to Danielle for helping this newbie blogger get a video up.